Apartment B12

Access to the building: accessibility to accommodation by car: excellent, public transportation services : excellent, parking space

Traffic information: distance from the pharmacy is 3 km, distance from the ambulance is 3 km, distance from the nearest exchange office 300 m, distance from the nearest gas station 2 km, distance from the town center is 400 m, distance from a grocery store is 400 m

Distance from the accommodation building to additional facilities: distance from the bus stop is 300 m, distance from the train station 35 km, distance from the nearest airport is 15 km, the closest airport: Rijeka, distance from the nearest ferry port 35 km, name of the nearest ferry port: Rijeka, distance from a heavy traffic road 100 m

Additional activities nearby: organized boat excursions, tennis courts, table tennis, mini golf, diving club, post office, bar, restaurant, pedalo boat rental

Beaches: walking distance to nearest beach 200 m, type of beach: rocky, pebble and concrete slabs, distance from the sea is 70 m

Information on the owner: knowledge of German, knowledge of English, the owner lives in the house which is rented

  • Number of rooms2
  • Room size:15 m2
  • Beds:2
  • Twin beds:2
  • Balcony:5 m2
  • WIFI
  • Satelite tv
  • Radio
  • Air condition

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